Successful (legacy) applications can develop performance issues over time as the amount of data in the system grows and the usage evolves. Tuning the database can result in quick performance wins without having to perform any refactoring of the application code.
I bought a Chromecast so I could wirelessly stream video from my PC to my TV. I don’t have a 4k TV and don’t intend to buying one anytime soon, so the standard Chromecast seemed reasonable.
JVM Garbage Collection wasn’t something I’d ever had to worry about. Until recently. GC is a target of many jokes but in my experience it had always worked “good enough”. That is, I’d never had the need for a large heap and high throughput.
It’s been a while since I moved my blog to Pelican + Github + Travis + S3. At the risk of only blogging about how I build this blog, I thought I’d do a follow up post to Continuos Blogging.